If you have watched the movie " The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" you can instantly recall the titled character "Dorian Gray" potrayed by Irish Actor Stuart Townsend. While each person in the league possessed unique and singular skills (Aceshooting,Immortality, scientific wisdom, vampirical, Split personality,invisibility..etc) I was puzzled by the inclusion of the vain and corrupt Dorian Gray, who apparently did'nt seem to possess any special area of expertise..
Only as the plot progresses we get to liken the character to the protagonist of Oscar Wilde's Gothic Novel " The Picture of Dorian Gray". In fact all the league members are literary charactersfrom the 19th Century. In " The Picture of Dorian Gray", his friend Basil paints a beautiful portrait of Dorian. When Dorian sees the finished portrait he exults"...I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young. It will never be older than this particular day of June.... If it were only the other way! If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old! For that — for that — I would give everything! Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!"

By saying that Dorian sells his soul and his yearning for eternal youth soon comes true and the picture ages instead of him. This boon corrupts him and turns him into a vile, wicked and treacherous human being. All his crimes and sins are reflected by the aging and hideous visage of the potrait, which he dare not look at. In the book, towards the end, he seeks redemption for all his sins which he achieves (supposedly) after attaining Death by looking at his own painting.
Although there was a twist in the potrayal of Dorian Gray in the movie (He was actually forced to look at his own portrait), it suited well with the plot , as he was the traitor in the league! Im not sure whether he sought immortality more than endless charm!
Our Vast English and Indian Literature have numerous examples of Vanity of the woman..the female form priding on its female form.. I guess Dorian Gray was created to bring some pride to Male form ?!?
I read the Dorian Gray book by Oscar Wild. Why? Because the actor who played Gray in LXG was so stylish. (Or as Sean Connery would shay, he was sho shtylish)
You must observe that DG is "COMPLICATED" !!!
Why, coz "It would be wize" !!
God Save the Queen !
Bat Man ? Bat Man you shay?
The wanderer king of Bondor
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