India's affinity for the yellow metal is no news to anyone. So also is India's insatiable hunger for the evasive Olympic Gold Medal!!! We consume nearly 800 Tonnes of the metal every year, the largest in the world. While the country's Gold Reserves are supposed to protect against depreciation of the Indian rupee against US $, Olympic Gold Medals are in great demand to save us from eternal Global embarrassment from World Sports Arena.
Imagine the pressure of 1.2 Billion people on a small contingent of olympians, the so far unknown shooters,archers,boxers, rowers, shuttlers, and other rookies who have gone( along with some repeat & aged offenders )to represent our sporting skills the International Field. As it is, our national Passion , Cricket, has not managed to secure a spot in Olympics. India's shocking failure to qualify for the Hockey Olympics only added to the misery of the Indian Contingent. Besides, the apathy from Govt and Corporates alike, towards developing/popularising smaller but economic sports has made us totally oblivious of our little local heroes from other sports.
Abhinav Bindra has opened the eyes of Indians at last...that there is life beyond Cricket, Hockey or even Tennis. Kudos to Him for achieving the lone and evasive Individual Gold for our Country.
Gold or No gold, Hats off to all the Indian Sportsmen& women who have had the courage to go forward and participate in the Olympics with so much pressure and pain on their backs!!!!!!
Happy I-Day!!!!!
Imagine the pressure of 1.2 Billion people on a small contingent of olympians, the so far unknown shooters,archers,boxers, rowers, shuttlers, and other rookies who have gone( along with some repeat & aged offenders )to represent our sporting skills the International Field. As it is, our national Passion , Cricket, has not managed to secure a spot in Olympics. India's shocking failure to qualify for the Hockey Olympics only added to the misery of the Indian Contingent. Besides, the apathy from Govt and Corporates alike, towards developing/popularising smaller but economic sports has made us totally oblivious of our little local heroes from other sports.
Abhinav Bindra has opened the eyes of Indians at last...that there is life beyond Cricket, Hockey or even Tennis. Kudos to Him for achieving the lone and evasive Individual Gold for our Country.
Gold or No gold, Hats off to all the Indian Sportsmen& women who have had the courage to go forward and participate in the Olympics with so much pressure and pain on their backs!!!!!!
Happy I-Day!!!!!
Mckenna's Gold:
Bindra won his gold with little govt support.
Proof, that govt participation is detrimental to medals tally.
Going by cricket logic, we should push for ball-badminton, kabaddi, kho-kho, tennikoit, throwball, the great sport of paandi, sozhi, dhaayakkattai, paramapadham, pallaankuzhi, musical chair, tambola ...etc..
Gold is the only secure asset in these times of uncertainity
When you wrote this post gold was at $900 per ounce .. now at $ 1437 per ounce..
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