Ive got to let this out:
Over the last one month, I ve watched LOTR- FOTR for about 20 times, and mind it !, this tally does not include TTT & ROTK. Now why you may ask?
A cousin of mine (a she-elf, mech engineer and car enthusiast) blogs regularly about this trilogy and I thought hey! whats so great about this movie anyways. Hence I actually watched it for the first time 4 yrs after its official release and got sucked right in. Not only that, elvish is like our mother tongue now ,and we talk just like gollum/gandalf/boromir/aragorn assuming these characters as situation suits. I keep raving about it to all the non-enthusiasts trying to extract some form of interest/inclination(but in vain)!
But for those who havent watched this movie yet..(not to worry, there are several like muh) ...WATCH it..better late than never!
If any of you lucky got to watch the extended editions( not officially released in here) then please rave to me about it..specially MEN of GONDOR!
Frodo ......What have I done?
Im sorry"
PS: BTW, I'm the biggest fan of Boromir
LOTR slaps a colonial stigmata and dogmata agrainst jewelry.. How can finger ring corrubt humans.. Max worst it can irritate the finger like a shoe-bite.. tryy selling LOTR to Sir Elt.. Wishing him happy marriage !!!
I come to your blog looking for grunge-write.. seems.. yu r not a genuine grungeluver.. yu r phoney
^^ WTF!!! Trolls on a blog?? haha.... and if you're ermmm, so grunge tell us about your blog.... it's not grunge to hide your identity....
LOTR, loved the book, loved the third movie, am gonna rent the dvds for the first 2 soon as i get the time...
LoTR extended teasers:
From FoTR:
(1)Extra scene involving Aragon and Boromir during the "still sharp" scene with Shards of Narsil.
(2)Boromir spots Gollum following the boats. An exchange between Aragorn and Boromir about going to Minas Tirith before setting off for Mordor.
From TTT:
Watch some of those scenes from here
When Frodo and Sam are brought to the cave, they are told that Boromir's cloven horn was found. Faramir then remembers a dream of Boromir's funeral boat passing him on the river. This leads to an extended flashback of Boromir and Farmair reclaiming Osgiliath from Mordor. Denethor (their father) expresses his disappointment with Faramir and then sends Boromir to Rivendell to claim the Ring.
From RoTK:
Watch it here
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