Well, I know that a crazy Sean Bean fan like myself would not write anything bad about a movie starring him, especially in one of the lead roles..Captian Rich. Nevertheless, right from the start till the last scene, the screenplay was gripping with some shrills here and there. Jodie Foster ( long time no see) played a mixture of emotions in a depressed, grieving, widowed aircraft engineer and desperate mother perfectly.
What I hated the most was that the hijacker's ( conspiring US Air marshall) part was played by Peter Sarsgaard(who?& why?) in place of the ace veteran of all modern day baddies Sean Bean..How on earth was a mushy looking nextdoor neighbour kinda guy cast as the cheesy (anti)hero in place of a professional badman ? The directors have apparently not seen him in Goldeneye, Patriot Games, Don't say a word. In the US, Sean Bean shot to fame only as the Irish terrorist "Sean Miller" in Patriot Games. He being cast as a hands-tied captain of an unknown airlines was an insult to his intelligence, persona and everything he earned all the way! I Guess this son of Gondor prefers to be good guy on screen these days..
Anyway, the plot was thrilling and the treatment of asian/brown passengers was a touch of reality. The plane was the most massive and sophisticated one I have ever seen with 2 level seating schemes withall the comforts under the sun!
Captain Rich has a rich accent. Or as Sean Connery would shay, he hash a rich "akshent". I shushpect er... suspect whether the film would officially release in India.
On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it a 2.4875.
Horrible props, matching editing and poor casting add to the misery. I sat to watch it with Gr8 Expectations, but was disappointed. SB and saarsgaard shud hv interchanged roles. SB is totally wasted.
Poor cinematography.. the way the suspense was broken was a poof.. good editing could have made up for that.
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