Monday, February 20, 2006

Giggle and Wriggle

The Greatest Search Engine?
You were an American Icon....till the day you sold yourself to something that contradicts what you are and what you believed in? FREEDOM...Just to add billion new accounts? Just to jump into the bandwagon?
You suck and I speak for a billion!


Negative Creep said...

Yeah, that was disappointing... Whatever happened to Freedom Of Expression??

Business over ideals...

Chalk one up for Capitalism...

Anonymous said...

When one wants to compete with others to associate with ~Dragon~, one has to jump into bandwagon only.
`American` is laissez faire. So, there is no contradiction in his exercising freedom to add new accounts by jumping into bandwagon to handshake Dragon. He is opting for the dark (or dragon) side of laissez faire.

Anonymous said...

Like Ivan Boesky said "GREED is GOOD"
