I Hate to Be Rude, But... Simon Cowell's Book of Nasty Comments (2006, UK)
I really really want to read this book. I cant get enough of his nasty, acerbic and corrosive remarks (read judgements) that have left many an American Idol contestant in utter bitterness,not to mention tears.
Many like me admire him for the sheer & blunt honesty and a touch of brutality never killed anybody.His criticisms are more controversial than constructive and he cares not for the consequences..His potshots have become part of the show's trademark, but this season has some people wondering and worrying that his putdowns and humiliations are getting out of hand and setting a bad example for teenagers. The Whole of America hates him as they wonder why a Brit should be judging their music skills in the first place. This love hate relationship has unfolded one of the biggest success in the reality television. The american idol as well as Simon have become overnight stars for different reasons..
Simon says:
"If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.."
If you would be singing like this two thousand years ago, people would have stoned you.
I'd make plastic surgery compulsory for every women over 40.
[on N Sync]
It would be true to say that two of them are really ugly."
I love this guy !
I really really want to read this book. I cant get enough of his nasty, acerbic and corrosive remarks (read judgements) that have left many an American Idol contestant in utter bitterness,not to mention tears.
Many like me admire him for the sheer & blunt honesty and a touch of brutality never killed anybody.His criticisms are more controversial than constructive and he cares not for the consequences..His potshots have become part of the show's trademark, but this season has some people wondering and worrying that his putdowns and humiliations are getting out of hand and setting a bad example for teenagers. The Whole of America hates him as they wonder why a Brit should be judging their music skills in the first place. This love hate relationship has unfolded one of the biggest success in the reality television. The american idol as well as Simon have become overnight stars for different reasons..
Simon says:
"If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning.."
If you would be singing like this two thousand years ago, people would have stoned you.
I'd make plastic surgery compulsory for every women over 40.
[on N Sync]
It would be true to say that two of them are really ugly."
I love this guy !
Simon rules.... he's the reason i watch the auditions... Him and the hilarity of watching people make a fool of themselves.... those ppl need a reality check bad...
Creep: "Simon rules.... he's the reason i watch the auditions"..
Don't we all?
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