Chanced upon Rock Idol 2005 on VH1 and I was blessed with the melancholic chaotic melodies of Superfuzz Bigmuff, Delhi based collegeband. True grunge style, good self compositions and excellent vocals. Watching the trio perform, I could'nt stop recalling NIRVANA! especially, looking at the lead singer/guitarist performing with concealed angst and rage. Seamless and ecstatic! NO WONDER, they were adjudged as the best performers with Top Honors! I have been hearing rave reviews about them for past two years espcially after IIT-D festival but actually got to hear them for the first time, thanks to VH1. Great going boys.Waiting for your first album!
Superfuzz Bigmuff are Sanchal (Vocals and Guitars), Nikhil (Bass) & Abhimanyu (Drums)
These guys are awesome!!! I saw them at the CRI North Zone finals in Chandigarh... Sanchal is one of the best vocalists in India... and their originals rock... They're changing their name from SFBM to The Superfuzz now, because SFBM is copied from the Mudhoney EP title... But these guys rock... one of the best bands in Delhi at the moment... They're recording their EP right now i think...
And they got selected for Great Indian Rock 2006...
SFBM Rules !!!
These guys might end up making money someday but will never be able to spend it. Wanna know why?
they cant write a check becoz' they can't sign with the spray-paint-can on a check leaf !!!
Have you heard of Orkut.com? It's an invite only service with communities dedicated to discussions on Son of Gondor and Nirvana. Wanna join?
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Superfuzz won GIR!!!!! Hell Yeah.... get the GIR cd, their song is awesome...
What I really Think Of You, YEAH!!!
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