Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Accoustic Pissings

I entirely forgot to tell ye all of the latest addition to my music room....A Brand new SemiAccoustic Guitar (Imported Granada, costing just over 5k)!! Well! I broke my first guitar (Definitely not the kurt cobain way!). The bridge had given away due to wear and tear and for the past six months I had to console my music urges by just listening to those chords.

I had to strum my way thru 15 different guitars to zero on this one. In fact I guess I was the first and last customer at LM Furtado's that evening! The guide there was of great help.He patiently played several of them( albeit the same chords) over and over again to help me choose the right one.I got a good deal though..For all of 5Ks I got a lovely full length guitar, a case, a beginners book( I did'nt need that though), a complete set of strings, cord for amplifier, a belt, and not to forget a cool T shirt!

Kurt Cobain has always been my inspiration. Repeat airing of "Come as you are " and " Lithium" had drawn me into Rock Music in general and Grunge in Specific. SLTR was like an anthem!. Since I learned playing the Guitar in DIY mode, I am no compares to KC, but can strum along for most of his compositions. I could have certainly replaced Pat Smear playing Rhythm on the Unplugged!

Today I relished and sunk into the accoustic version I generated for "Territorial Pissings". It has only 3 chords(A7 , F & D) and sounds mesmerising if the chords are played slowly and fully. Of course, Unlike the chords, Kurt's lyrics were never as decipherable and that left a great room for interpretation or imagination. But it always had some underlying and eternal truths...like this one:
"..Never met a wise man....
If so.. Its a Woman..."
From Territorial Pisings, Album - Nervermind, 1992.
Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it be "Kurdt Cobain" ?
and not Kurt.. sounds curt.


Anonymous said...

Uhm... ".A Brand new SemiAccoustic Guitar" I'm guessing that's significant. (Read this Riley Poole style - "A big bluish green man with a strange goatee, I'm guessing it's significant")

Negative Creep said...

you got a Granada?? Awesome....

And cool as an acoustic version of Territorial Pissings would sound, i wonder if you can play while screaming

Gotta find a way, a better way, i'd better wait!!

Only Kurt can scream that way on an acoustic song and not end up looking like a total fool...

Anupam said...

I tried Territorial Pissings with A5(7) F5 D5 on an acoustic guitar.

Almost all of Nirvana's music has mostly fifth (or power chords). There are minors and majors, in some places. One great thing about the music is that using fifth, major and minor chords interchangeably in Nirvana's music doesn't make much of a difference in several cases. There are places where it matters. For example the beginning of Penny Royal Tea goes Am G. Here A major wouldn't sound nice. People sometimes interpret A5 as A major, though the actual chord is A minor. Polly goes Em G D C in the stanzas and D C G Bb in the chorus. Some people play E G D C, thinking they are equivalent. It doesn't sound very different.

There are also suspended chords in songs like On A Plain, which has Gsus2 and Bbsus2 and Dumb which has Gsus4. On A Plain requires drop D tuning.

seattle_smoke said...

- creep:
Granada was all I could afford.
I could not scream from the lungs like Kurt...No one can.
Ive started playing Heart-shaped box and few songs from incesticide..I Wish I could post my recordings!

I try playing A5(7) F5 D5 and get back. Ive perfected "Lounge Act"
ADCE..Is it ok?

I am uable to get polly sound good with EGDC.

I played lithium starting with D instead of usual E.Its easier for me that way. What say?