Saffron ( Saffron Crocus) is well known for its aromatic & coloring properties besides its medicinal values and is an integral part of Indian Sweetmeats and desserts. In fact every Indian would hold it closer to his heart than his mouth as its forms the brightest part of the tricolor!. The Saffron grown in the Sylvan settings of Kashmir has its own glory. A tiny box priced at a whopping Rs 90/- for one Gram of this herb could tell you that. Looking for a bargain, I pointed to a slightly bigger box of 5 Grams ( of the size of a matchbox) and pat came a reply from the culture vulture that took me by total surprise..
Rs 455/-
I was never good atmath but any sane consumer would look for somethin more like 400 bucks. Who would have thought that " The law of economies of scale" had no exceptions..
When I reasoned with him on this gross miscalculation he hesitantly said that the product will have to be sent back to the warehouse ( where? Kargil?) for price clarification/reprinting if any an will be available tomorrow. He probably forgot that it was already the last day of the exhibition!
He could extend it but I ain't goin back there. Ill rather go to Kashmir!
I returned home with that Big Brown Bag full of unwanted shopping I did to get my spirits up and just to kill the time and money I saved ( or did I ?) from the Saffron Saga. Whoever said that Consumer is the King? ...King for a day, Fool for a lifetime!
hahaha... King For A Day, Fool For A Lifetime.... aren't we all??
by the way, come on over to my blog, i've got a tag waiting for you...
Acchha. Your trip across the "railway track" and sufferings undertaken was for saffron ? Dont you know that the saffron in your country's flag denotes sacrifice? Rightly,the culture of the Exibition walla was to make you sacrifice more money as you purchase more quantity. Pay more and be saffron clad.
^^ lol....
And a tag means you have to fill out that list... fast... so tell us what the soundtrack to your life would be...
Some anonymous jerko is getting on my nerves..He aint got the guts to open an ID or put his name..
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